Monday, May 21, 2007

The European Dream

As i write this, my friend Enrico is on his way back to Germany. He vacationed here for about a month as he hasnt been home in the 2 years he's been studying. We weren't surprised when we learned he's trying it out there. He's been taking German lessons ever since we were Grade 4 and has been self studying Spanish, Dutch and Danish among others. He's always had big dreams about traveling the world and prior to his scholarship, he took a job that allowed him to do just that. I've known him for years and conversations about his new adventures, no matter how exotic, no longer surprised me.

What struck me, however, was his confession that what he has accomplished isn't that extraordinary. I don't need to take up German even before reaching the age of 12. I don't need to be a MENSA member to get a good school nor own a huge estate to fund my travels. Europe is a land of opportunity. It's a continent where its youth can fund their travels by randomly performing in the sidewalks of the cities their visiting. It's where taking on a part time job as a sales clerk or bartender gives you enough money to pay for schooling and living expenses. Enrico himself works just 3 hours a day in a clothes store and the money he earns is enough for his everyday needs as well as his occasional side trips to different European landmarks (and a trip back to the Philippines).

However, my friend is the first to admit that he doesn't have a fat bank account but this doesn't bother him at all. He observes that many people work so hard, stress themselves out and endure numerous hardships in the hopes that they'd be able to spend a few weeks of their lifetime on packaged tours. What most people don't know is that it doesn't really take that much to do what he's done. In fact, many people already have more than enough means to see the world. All we need is a little common sense, a passion to learn and the determination to jump towards the unknown.

We're almost the same age yet there's this palpable feeling that his travels, his exposure to many cultures and his resolve to take great risks has made him wiser than any of my peers. People travel not only to relax but to learn and for Enrico, every day is a new adventure, another chance to grow and learn.

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